Saturday, January 10, 2009


The photo above is of the 5 children one of the workers has (4 are his and 1 is an orphan he's taken in). They live right next to the construction site, so when I'm near their house I have a little game I play with them throughout the day. Basically, everytime I look over, they laugh and try to hide, so I'm always looking for ways to pop out from behind something and catch them off gaurd. It's pretty much the cutest thing you've ever seen, I want to try to get video of it eventually.

Here's a link to many more photos. I hope I set this up right, and I hope it can give you a little bit of a taste of what I've been experiencing, although I feel like photos don't quite do it justice.

Also, email for questions and comments, and I'll respond slowly but surely.


  1. Jack, i love the pics!!! I think I was lucky enough to be the first one to view them!! Great way to show us what you're seeing!! one request... more pictures with you in them, i like seeing every thing else, but it kinda makes it a lil more real when i see you in them in Africa... LIQUID NITROGEN!!!

  2. Jack,

    Great pics bud! Thanks for keeping us posted on everything that's been happening in Zambia - it's cool to hear about the ministry that's heappning over there right now. Eat lot's of Nshima for me, and when you get back you can make me some!

    Oh yeah...I saw the Pepsi machine and he asked me where you were. I said you were in Africa and he said he was going to come see you. You may want to keep watch for him if he shows up.


  3. Hi Jack,

    It's nice to meet you. I found your blog via the Hope Children's Center Update that was mailed out to Brookside attenders. You don't know me personally, but you might know my husband Don Stevens. He's been going to Brookside since he was a little boy and I've been attending since we began dating in 1998. A few years and a couple of kids later we are still regular attenders. Anyway...

    I've added your blog and the to a couple of blogs that I have. I also added you as a contact on my Flickr account.

    The picture of the children is beautiful. The grass is so lush and green!! Thank you for keeping us posted through your blogging and pictures as to what is going on over there. It kinda keeps us going and gives us something to think about. Thank you so much/
