The second half of our trip was amazing, and we saw a lot of the construction loose ends get tied up. I'm still amazed that the guys were able to oversee the buildings going up so quickly and with such quality. Progress in Zambia can be frustratingly slow, so it's quite a miracle.
The people were so thankful when we presented the new soccer goals, nets, and balls at three area schools, and they came out in droves. The Gospel was presented in each location, then we (Team Zambia/USA) played the local team.
Here's a picture of 33 of the smiling orphans in Serenje that the Hope Center is serving. Many of them have been given not just food and exposure to the Gospel, but the opportunity to go back to school through generous donations to cover their uniforms, books, etc.
Thanks to everyone who has prayed for and supported this worthy cause.
"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me" Matt. 25:40
-written by Aaron Shaul