We began the morning with breakfast prepared by the guys and a devotional led by Chris. He wrote this poem at Kundalila Falls yesterday, he entitled it:
The Kundalila Falls ~ Chris Ihle
In the pounding water, I listen for your voice,
In the clear pools, I look for your face.
The mist off the water refreshes my soul,
As I wait for you LORD.
What are the words you want me to hear?
What the sights you want me to see?
The mist off the water refreshes my soul,
As I wait for you LORD.
My ears are eager for your voice,
My eyes await the splendor of your beauty.
The mist off the water refreshes my soul,
As I wait for you LORD.
A pounding voice never do I hear,
Nor a vision in the pool do I see.
Yet the mist off the water continues to refresh my soul,
As I wait for you LORD.
Then I realize it was not in the pounding water,
Nor the cool clear pools,
But you were in the mist refreshing my soul.

It was amazing that only a few days ago when we visited Teta, there was just a building without a roof. By Sunday, we were all together, Zambians and Americans, worshiping in a beautiful space with a new roof. It was a humbling experience. Pastor Navice called both Dan and Aaron out to share messages with the congregation. Both messages brought tears to the team. At one point, when Dan was sharing a scripture verse from Revelation 7:9-11, he had to stop and pause as he became a bit emotional as the very thing (the Nations worshiping together) was happening in our presence.
The shoe distribution after the service went well except that we needed more of the larger sizes. It was heart wrenching for us to not have the appropriate sizes for the older children and have them do without today until we can purchase the correct shoe sizes tomorrow. We arrived at Kamena church at the end of their worship after our time in Teta. With Pastor Navice’s assistance, we all greeted and prayed for the church. We had another shoe distribution for the orphans there, nearly ninety in number. Again, we needed more of the larger shoe sizes. We will remedy tomorrow, Monday. The generosity, hospitality and gratitude of the Zambian people humbles me to the core. They have so little, and yet to “bless their church” they said, we were given a meal of nshima, rape (a green vegetable similar to kale) and chicken before we returned to Serenje.

The team is in good spirits and VBS begins tomorrow for the orphans at HCC. I believe the construction team will be beginning construction on the playground equipment, helping Joshua, HCC’s caretaker, lay brick on his house or both. Please keep the team and Zambian people in prayer....the need is great here in the rural and extreme rural.
Posted by Barbara Ihle