Monday, November 21, 2011

November 2011 Update


If you’re not a follower of the Hope Center Facebook page, this post is just an update on current events and to inform you of prayer requests from our Zambian brothers and sisters.

Marjorie praises how God continues to grow the church community in Lusaka. Building expansion is still on the horizon. Join with them and pray for financial help and clear direction in this realm how best this expansion can glorify Him.

Students at the Hope Center recently received new supplies as part of the ‘Back to School’ program. Praise God for the generous gifts! May these supplies help equip these students for a successful upcoming school year!

Our dear friend, Nyawa, joyfully reported that the orchard it doing well – supplying a variety of fruits like bananas and guavas to help meet the nutritional needs of the staff and children. Pray for continued growth in the area of agriculture at the Hope Center!

Check out new pictures on the Hope Center Facebook page. Not a follower? Search Hope Center Care & EM.

Prayerfully consider joining a team of Brooksiders to the Hope Center! More information available at the following website:

The proposed dates are April 16 - 29, 2012.